About Impact Investors Council
Impact Investors Council, India (IIC) is a member-based industry body.
Its objective is to help build the impact investing eco-system, present a compelling and
comprehensive India Impact story and strengthen Impact Investing in India.
IIC’s mission is to:
Increase the flow of private capital to social impact sectors such as financial inclusion, clean energy, education, water & sanitation and healthcare.
Enable a larger variety of ecosystem players work towards inclusive growth
Work effectively with the government through a substantial advocacy effort
Support the build out of an impact measurement and monitoring movement within the sector
IIC is registered as a not-for-profit entity, Section 8, 80G, 12AA company and is funded through membership fees from members. IIC enjoys active support from over 60 prominent impact Investors and ecosystem players. To see the list of IIC members, please click here.
What We Do
IIC’s efforts and activities are built on four key pillars:

Advance the impact investing agenda through strategic events, convenings, and initiatives. Through curated gatherings and collaborative efforts, it fosters meaningful engagement to catalyze positive change within the impact investing ecosystem.

Stimulate the flow of domestic and international capital by marketing India Impact Investment opportunities to asset owners and asset managers. Serving as a catalyst, IIC fosters collaboration among diverse ecosystem players to drive inclusive growth.

Enable a large variety of stakeholders to gain a better understanding of impact investing. IIC endeavors to provide its members, the government and other ecosystem players unique insights of the Indian Impact Investment space through data-driven research and analysis.

Collaborate with regulators and policy makers to present impact investment as a distinct asset class in India and ensure we build ‘Brand India’ as an attractive impact investment destination. IIC regularly engages with regulators and policy makers like MoF, SEBI, RBI, etc.