India Impact Investing

Market Pulse

January 2024

Investment Summary


Amount Invested
(USD Mn)


No. of Deals

Financial Inclusion

Leading Sector

Deal Flow

*All figures in Million USD

Voices from the Industry

Ecosystem Enablers

Interesting Reads for the Month

IIC Announcements

The Impact Investors Council, in partnership with LetsVenture, is delighted to introduce the Impact Investing Course for Angel Investors. This initiative has been crafted with the specific aim of narrowing the gap between impactful investments and sustainable development. The course, tailored for private market investors such as angel investors and family offices, provides a comprehensive exploration of the burgeoning potential within impact investing.

What participants can expect:

  • In-Depth Understanding: Gain profound insights into the principles and best practices of impact investing.
  • Expert Guidance: Engage with lectures and expert insights that delve into realistic opportunities and effective risk mitigation.
  • Practical Learning: Explore real-world case studies and glean practical lessons that enhance your understanding of impact investing.
  • Innovative Approaches: Discover insights on innovative financing mechanisms and impact measurement tools.

You can access the course here:

About Impact Investors Council:
Impact Investors Council, India (IIC) is a member-based national industry body formed with an objective to build and strengthen the impact investing eco-system in India. To know more about our work visit or reach out to

Disclaimer: Data and Information in this newsletter is made available in good faith with the exclusive intention of helping market and ecosystem players, policymakers and the public build a greater understanding of the Indian impact investing market. The data is collated from sources believed to be reliable and accurate at the time of publication. Readers are urged to exercise independent judgment and diligence in the usage of this information for any investment decisions

Some of the information provided in this newsletter is supplied by third parties. It is important that all users understand that third party information is not an endorsement of any nature and has been put together with the sole purpose of benefiting stakeholders.
